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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ɡæŋˈɡrin] 英式发音: [ˈɡæŋɡriːn]



网络释义:坏死;坏疽或脱疽;壊疽过去分词:gangrened  现在分词:gangrening  第三人称单数:gangrenes  同义词反义词







1.坏疽the decay that takes place in a part of the body when the blood supply to it has been stopped because of an illness or injury

Gangrene set in and he had to have his leg amputated.他的腿生了坏疽,必须截除。



n.1.a serious medical condition in which a part of someones body decays when the blood stops flowing to it because of an injury or disease

1.坏疽 ganglion- 结节肿 gangrene- 壊疽 gastralgia- 胃痛 ...

5.糖尿病足 (limbs) 痉挛(四肢) (gangrene) 糖尿病足(坏疽) (DUB) 功能异常性子宫出血 ...

6.使生疽 ... to bleed v. (出血)等,这叫做元级派生 gangrene v. (使生疽)、 gargle v. …

7.因坏疽 ... 名 字 的 由 来 。 又 由 於 病 者 四 肢 会 因 坏 疽gangrene ) 请 看 英 文 学 者 弗 莱 施( Rudolf Flesch ) ...


1.It accumulates in the body resulting in nails rotting, dark spots, bleeding sores, swelling, large warts and a form of gangrene.进入人体后,会造成指甲腐烂,身体上出现黑斑,皮肤溃疡,水肿,疣,坏疽等现象。

2.At surgery, there was no intestinal perforation or gangrene. The aneurysm was replaced with a synthetic prosthesis.开刀中发现肠子完整并无穿孔或坏疽,动脉瘤以人工血管来取代。

3.The septic shock had left her with heart and respiratory failure as well as dry gangrene of her foot, which would have to be amputated.脓毒性休克把她的心脏和肺脏衰竭以及她的脚,干坏疽,就必须截除。

4.He died of gangrene eight days after he was hit and was replaced in office by his far more memorable vice-president, Theodore Roosevelt.在他被袭击后的第八天死于坏疽。后来,比他更值得纪念的副总统——西奥多·罗斯福就任总统。

5.We report a case of at least T3 stage adenocarcinoma of rectum with Fournier's gangrene in a male alcoholic abuser.我们报告一位酗酒之男性病患,他罹患至少是肿瘤第三期之直肠癌及福尼耳坏疽。

6.She had been injected with an anti-nausea drug sold by Wyeth, Levine developed gangrene, and had her arm amputated.她因注射惠氏销售的止吐药而患上坏疽病,最终截去手臂。

7.The doctor explains how he can stitch up blood vessels in a healthy limb, causing it to blacken with gangrene over a few days.这名医生解释说,他可以将血管缝合到健康的肢体里,使肢体在数天之内因为坏疽而变黑。

8.The gangrene of fear began to infect "real" banks, which investors realised were exposed to SIVs in unexpected ways.恐慌的坏疽开始感染“实体”银行——投资者意识到,实体银行以出乎意料的方式受到SIV的牵连。

9.lack of sensation can make it easy to ignore, and gangrene can set in, requiring amputation.神经系统的麻木则导致这样的感染容易被忽视,久之便发展为坏疽,需要进行截肢手术。

10.Analysis of differential gene expression can contribute to understanding of the possible mechanisms of diabetic gangrene.分析差异基因的表达,有助于了解糖尿病坏疽发生的可能机制。
